Saturday, July 12, 2014

Schnapper de Glare

500 g Schnapper, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 tablespoons plain flour, salt and pepper to taste, 1.1/4 cups milk, 125 g grated cheese, 1/2 cup breadcrumbs, 250 g peeled tomatoes, 250 g mushrooms or small tin mushrooms (if desired), mashed potato.

Method: Cook some potato and mash. Boil or steam schnapper for five or six minutes, remove any bones or skin and put on to meat platter. Flake it up if liked. Make the cheese sauce by melting the butter, adding flour and cook a minute or two, then adding milk slowly, stirring all the time so as not to be lumpy. Stir while cooking, add cheese, salt and pepper. Cut up the tomato in slices and place around on top of fish. Mushrooms too, if liked. Spoon mashed potato all round and then pour the sauce on to fish. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and a little grated cheese. Brown in oven about 25 minutes and serve at once from platter. This dish is best served in a large meat platter and quantities can be varied to suit the dish used, or whether it is served as entree or main dish.

Source: contributed by Mrs F. V. Elliott (Walkerville) in The South Australian Country Women's Association Inc. Calendar of Meat and Fish Recipes in Metric. One for Every Day in the Year. Also Special Mornay Supplement (Adelaide: 1975), p.4 [Jan. 13].

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