Monday, September 16, 2024

Spicy Pears

1 large can pear halves (peaches can also be used)
1/2 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 tb curry powder

Method: Drain fruit, reserve juice. Place fruit in casserole dish cut side down. Melt butter in frying pan, add brown sugar and curry powder, stir until blended. Add some of the reserved juice and heat until dissolves a little. Pour over fruit. Bake in 180C oven for 20 minutes. Serve hot with cream or icecream or may be used as a vegetable dish.

Source: contributed by Susan MacDonald in A Taste of Zonta Flavoured with Celebrities. Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc. District 23, Area 2 (n.p. [?Adelaide], 2003), p.67.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Terrific Ham and Asparagus Bake

6 thin slices bread, no crusts, buttered
6 slices ham
1 tin asparagus tips, drained
300ml carton cream
Grated cheese

Method: Place one slice of ham on each slice of bread and roll up. Place in ovenproof dish, making sure rolls keep secure. Sprinkle asparagus over rolls and pour cream over evenly. Season if desire. Top with grated cheese and bake in moderate oven 180C or 350F for approximately 15-20 minutes until browned.

Source: contributed by Susan MacDonald in A Taste of Zonta Flavoured with Celebrities. Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc. District 23, Area 2 (n.p. [?Adelaide], 2003), p.32.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ham Ribbons

250g cream cheese
1 tsp paprika
2 tsp horseradish
15 slices of square ham (about 750g) cut thicker than normal

Method: Beat cream cheese, add horseradish, paprika and season to taste. Spread cheese mixture over slices of ham, building them into sandwiches, using 5 slices of ham and 4 layers of cheese until you have 3 ham and cheese "sandwiches". Chill, cover with plastic wrap and keep flat. Refrigerate at least 24 hours. Before serving, trim all edges then cut into 4 strips each way, which will give 16 squares from each "sandwich".

Source: contributed by Susan MacDonald in A Taste of Zonta Flavoured with Celebrities. Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc. District 23, Area 2 (n.p. [?Adelaide], 2003), p.10.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Cucumber Baskets

24 oysters
1 cucumber
white vinegar and water
1/2 cup cream cheese
freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp chopped chives
1 tbsp chopped capsicum
1/2 cup sour cream

Method: Peel half of cucumber. Cut whole cucumber into 1" (2.5cms) rounds - some with skin on, some peeled. Scoop out seeds leaving a base and sides to form a basket. Soak 1 hour in a weak vinegar and water solution, sprinkled with salt. Drain and pat dry. Combine cheese, cream, pepper, lemon juice, chives, capsicum and chopped oysters. Fill each cucumber basket with oyster mixture and serve chilled.

1. Add 1 tspn prepared mustard, 1 tspn parsley and 8-10 drops Tabasco sauce.

Source: contributed by Leon Stott (Archipelago Oysters, Denial Bay) in Sue Trewartha & Angie Bayly (compilers), The World's Your Oyster: A collection of oyster recipes and helpful hints (Ceduna: 1993), p.17.